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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Super Blood Moon - The Aftermath! St. Sava Orthodox Church Jackson, California

I love night time.  I've always really been a night person and just love to be out and about in the beauty of the darkness with the stars and moon shining above me.  That's one reason why I get so excited about lunar events like super moons and eclipses.  

This month was no exception as we experienced the Super Wolf Moon a couple weeks ago.  But I had some real, REAL! technical difficulties so I decided to edit some more photos from last January.  Haha!

This post kind of piggy backs on my trip to Mendocino for the Super Blood Moon, so I will post up the links here for that trip.  Be sure to check them out because it was an amazing trip full of beaches, flowers, and adventures!

I got some amazing photos and had a wonderful trip, but I've got to admit that every time I go on a road trip for a Supermoon, I have misgivings once it's over.  I always worry that I didn't get good photos or wonder if I should have done something different.  

In this case, I had thought about a trip to Jackson, California because I thought it would be cool to get photos of the moon with the beautiful St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church there.  So a couple days later, I realized that the moon was still Super, even if it was no longer bloody! (Okay, that didn't sound right.)

So I made the relatively short drive to Jackson, got set up beside the church, and started snapping away. 

The church is on a narrow street which has a hill on the side the church is on.  There are some steep steps leading up to a sidewalk that runs just in front of the beautiful cemetery.  

Day or night, this is one of the most gorgeous churches and cemeteries I've seen.  I need to go back during the day and see inside if that's possible. 

Pretty soon the moon began to rise, almost directly behind the church!  My plan worked!  (So many times it doesn't or I don't follow my plan, more accurately, and then get myself in trouble.)

Okay, I'm not going to lie (and you can probably already tell!) but that's a composite I did of two photos.  I'm not skilled enough to get truly clear pictures of the moon with the church clear too.  But I did get some excellent shots of both!

The moon is a little misshapen because this was a few days after the full moon as these were taken on February 2, 2018.  But the craters are spectacular detail in some of these shots!  I amaze myself with my amateur equipment sometimes. 

I did get one awesome shot of the moon and you can see the roof and monuments from the cemetery too. 

But it was too difficult for me to get detail in the moon when zoomed out.
This was the more normal result. 

Here's another weird one.  But I like weird.  It looks fuzzy and almost painted and yet there is some detail in the moon and the church shows (at least part of it) so I'm happy with weird art.

This is the beautiful entry gate; built in 1894.  

This next one I shot from across the street.  I had to shoot from the side, so everything first appeared crooked.  I had to straighten then and in doing so, cropped off some of the wide views.  I'll have to go back and see if I can get some shots with the stairs and other angles. :)

And, last but not least, a couple of final rudimentary composites!


Nikon D3300