About Me

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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Monday, April 22, 2013

Love You Like Crazy Part the Second - Blackhawks 2/5/13

As previously promised, here are some pictures taken by my daughter's HTC phone.  We were on the Blackhawks' side for warm ups, so - yep, you guessed it - these are pictures of the Blackhawks.  You even get a glimpse of my Sharpie's pretty face.  ;-)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Love You Like Crazy - Blackhawks at Sharks

Dear NHL,  Your addiction to money and power has affected my life in the following ways...

Seriously, it's been hard for me to get very much into the hockey season this year.  

Don't get me wrong...I've still watched almost every Sharks game on tv this year as well as quite a few Blackhawks and Penguins games.  But I've only been to one game at the beginning of the season.  

And when I left the game, which was quite exciting, I didn't feel an urgent desire to go back. 

So I haven't. I did, however, splurge on some tickets for the last home game of the season with the  hope that I would feel more excited about making the 5 hour round trip to watch some hockey in person.  I am getting more excited...which is exciting!

Another way the damn lockout affected me is that I wasn't very careful with my camera and it somehow it became severely disabled.  In other words, I broke it.  So I took my daughters POS camera.  Which is really not supposed to be a POS. It is a Canon that I advised her not to buy because IMO Canon's have a lot of focus issues.  This Canon is no exception.