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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge Trip Number Two!!

A bird came down the walk:
He did not know I saw
He bit an angle worm in halves
And ate the follow raw.

~~Emily Dickinson

It is in the hopes of seeing birds and more of God's creatures that I often feel strongly drawn to get outdoors and go.  Preferably somewhere I can drive and see different sights and sounds than I see every day in Sacramento.  

I feel so blessed to have the National Wildlife Refuges to soothe my soul, fulfill my passions for nature, wildlife, and birds, educate my mind, and provide me with countless opportunities to take photos.

And the Klamath Basin complex is just absolutely one of the best.  

Next I was headed to Tule Lake, just down the road.  The last time I was there, it was a little later towards Spring and I saw some amazing grebes, ducks, and geese galore!   This time, I wasn't sure what to expect since it was still technically winter.  

The sky was still amazing!

The first bird I saw was a Great Blue Heron on a telephone pole. 

And another one on this farmer thingie.  

I was a little disappointed that the lake wasn't covered with birds as it had been in my last visit.  But the lake itself was even more beautiful. And I do love the opportunity to get some good landscape shots!

Practically mid-shot, one of the heron's flew alongside the lake.  I'm so glad I got a half-decent shot!

And Oh. My. Goodness.  I love weird things.  Beautiful, weird things like these Hooded Mergansers which I had never seen before!

Then on my way back home, I had to literally stop in the road to let an entire herd of deer cross in front of me!

They were bound and determined to get to these pine trees in someone's yard.  Their butts peaking out were so cute!

I wasn't the only one stopped for a few minutes.  But I don't think either of us were complaining since we had such a nice, fun view. 

Some were obviously youngsters and they were especially cute.  

They all looked so velvety and gorgeous.  

It was funny, but the stream of deer seemed neverending! About 15 had crossed the road and there were more in the field on the other side.  They didn't seem in a hurry though, so I moved along myself. 

I stopped by the Visitor Center where I had seen the bobcat the year before.  No bobcats this year, but I did see this cute ground squirrel.  

And then, just as I was pulling out of the parking lot, I had the feeling of being watched.  I looked around and then up.  And saw that I was indeed the target of a pair of baleful eyes!

Did I say baleful?  I meant to say beautiful! A big and beautiful Great-horned Owl!

I thought I couldn't possibly be more blessed on this trip.  But I couldn't be more wrong.  I stopped at the vista point beside Lower Klamath to take one more photo of Mt. Shasta. 

And in the farmer's field on the other side of the road, I saw many, many birds apparently full from their morning meals and enjoying the sunlight!

Four Bald Eagles and countless Ravens and Hawks. 

And then they started swirling like an avian tornado!

In this next shot I count at least five Bald Eagles, a Golden Eagle, and at least seven Ravens. 

Here's another Golden.  Or they could be juvenile Baldies.  

So incredible!!  These birds are so huge and so powerful.  To see them in nature, up close and personal, is such a dream. I need to start planning another trip up there.  And I still need to get to the Upper Klamath!  Each time I've gone, the Upper Klamath had too much snow on the ground for my little car to navigate.  Maybe next year.  :)


Nikon D3300