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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Taphophile Tour - Historic Sacramento City Cemetery March 2015 I

There may or may not be one or two ghosts in this picture.  
One's fake and the other one?  That one I'm not sure about. 

I take a lot of grief from friends and acquaintances who do not understand why I find cemeteries beautiful and fascinating.  I was happy to discover that I am not alone.  There is even a name for it.

Ladies and gentlemen, I?  Am a taphophile.

Taphopilia is a passion for and enjoyment of cemeteries.  It may involve headstone etchings and other art, genealogy and history, walking in often beautiful garden-like settings, and photography.

Now that I feel better about myself (seriously, several of my coworkers made me feel like a necrophiliac or something.  That could not be further from the truth.), I'll post some of the photos of my most recent visit to the Historic Sacramento City Cemetery.

There are so many different types of stone and style.  This brownish grey stone has a lovely rustic vibe.  Whereas the stone below, although probably older, looks newer...cleaner.

I love the Family Tree and the quote "In my Fathers house are many mansions".

This guy must have loved that horse.  This wall is huge.  Probably at least 18 feet tall.

One thing that amazes me about old cemeteries is how many old graves from the late 1800s and early 1900s have flowers or items such as the Christmas tree and figurine.  People still care.

For me, the beauty of the garden cemeteries draws me as much as the history.  I love seeing the gardens, birds, and art.  And if you like taking photos of flowers, it can be heaven.

On this sunny March day, there were as many birds visiting as there were people.

On this particular day, I parked my car on the farthest end of the cemetery from the main entrance.
I had NO idea that it was actually a completely different cemetery, and that?  Had very dire consequences.  More on that later or another day.

My point for now is on that side, there were more grassy areas and lines of tombstones...not as many as flowers, etc.  It's so interesting to note where people are from or how old they were when they passed.  I had a misconception that people in those times died very young, but I see a lot of people who lived into their 70's and more.

By far the saddest graves are the smallest ones. And that was a very common thing in those days.

I just can't imagine the pain of losing a child.  My heart truly goes out to anyone who has experienced it. 

Johnson!  (Out of place Marvel reference)
Tulips and Robins.  Two of my favorites.

So many shades of lavender and purple!!  Love
These Iris look like velvet. #nofilter  And bokeh!  Me happy.

I did, however, use a filter for this poppy.  I put a lomo effect on it which made the bush behind it look really cool.  It kind of looks like a rose bud, but it really is a poppy.

There are tons of daffodils planted out there and I was there at just the right time for full blooms.
Or narcissus.
Or jonquil.

 Love this with the orton effect.

 The bees loved these blue flowers.

These flowers are tiny, tiny.

I loved this plant. Such pretty leaves and it looks and feels like velvet, but unfortunately, the picture doesn't do it justice.

This cemetery is really beautiful.  All the long walkways, paths, hills...

Love all the shades of the purple daisies!

Eirann Go Bragh!

We'll leave this post with one final landscape of this gorgeous cemetery. 
