About Me

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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Monday, May 18, 2015

Montesano Madness! A Day With the Washington State Family 2/15

Upon arriving at Ford and Ida's house, I found that my adorable grand-niece and grand-nephew - Trinity and Logan - were waiting up to greet me.  You could not find two cuter, sweeter, and awesome kids than these two.

My niece Sabrina and her husband Lee are doing an amazing job at the parenting!

Waking up to a bright, beautiful Washington State morning, I had a restaurant-quality breakfast cooked by Tammy.  She has a gift.

We spent the morning just hanging out and getting reacquainted.  This is Trinity shooting targets on the back deck with my brother, Robert (her Grandpa Bob) and her dad Lee.

Then Trinity wanted to take us on a ride on her golf cart.  That's mom (my niece, Sabrina) and Logan on the back.

I hoped in the passenger seat and away we went.

But not for long.

We hit some very soft ground and there was a bit too much weight on my side of the cart (ahem).  Before we knew it,, the tire had popped off the wheel!  LOL!

You can't see it too well, but it's the rear tire. Trinity drove back but the rest of us had to walk.

Logan tried to keep up.  It was a valiant effort.

And yes, that is Ford and Ida's house.  Isn't it amazing?

So instead of the long ride we had planned, the kids and my niece, Angela, showed me the koi pond in the yard.

We were talking about nature and stuff and I said that I remembered seeing some bald eagles the last time I was up there.  I said I had saw one on the drive up, but couldn't pull over to get a photo.

It was pretty cool actually.  I love hawks; they are one of my spirit animals. So I always notice them and pay special attention to them.  I saw a gorgeous Cooper's Hawk fly out of some trees over a farmer's field.  He was hunting something.  All of a sudden, out of nowhere it seemed, a large bald eagle swooped down and landed where the hawk was heading.  The hawk pulled up and flew off and the eagle started eating triumphantly.

So Lee said that we should go to the beach if I wanted to see some eagles.  Sabrina agreed and said that she gets a lot of good photos there.  She's an awesome photographer...I'm jealous of her skills and she showed me a picture to die for.

So we piled in the cars and headed out.  It was a clam dig weekend and I've never been clam digging, so I was excited.

In Washington you can drive on the beach, which is kind of awesome.

We piled out of the truck and Trinity couldn't wait to get started!

We were there a bit too early for the clams.  Apparently, they are on a schedule.  Who knew?
But Trin did end up digging one.  Yay!

Logan and I walked around looking at shells and rocks.  He loves rocks.  Me too! I found this broken sand dollar; Sabrina found a whole one for me that now sits on top of my entertainment center.

Along with this shell that I found sliding through the sand as a wave receded.


Unfortunately I didn't see any eagles, but I did see windmills.
Love this girl.

We piled back into the truck for a VERY eventful trip home. 

First, we were pulled over by a ranger (?) because Sabrina, Angela, and I were sitting in camp chairs in the back of the truck.  We were told it was too dangerous so we obediently sat down in the bed.  OUCH!  Much less comfortable.  I'm sure I had a few bruises.  haha

Then, after we separated with me and Angela back in her car, we headed back towards Monte, planning to stop at a crab shack on the way home to get some crab for dinner.  To make a very long story short, the traffic was CRAZY heavy with everyone who lived within 50 miles heading to the beach for the crab dig. 

We were at the head of a line waiting to turn left when a horrible head-on accident occurred practically right beside us.  It was crazy and looked really, really bad.  Luckily no one was seriously hurt.  After I spent the next 30 minutes helping to direct the very busy traffic and Angela gave her statement to the trooper, we headed on back home for dinner.  

Ummmm...okay... lol

We had a wonderful dinner.  BBQ steak, crabs, salad.  Delicious.  And the view!  Love Ida's backyard.

This is my brother.  I love, love, love him. 

After dinner, Angela, Sabrina, Lee, Trinity, Logan and myself went for a stroll down to the train trestle.  I got some great shots...I really love these.

Logan led the way.

And we were treated to a lovely site down under the bridge.  NSFW!  haha!

The easily offended should definitely look away!  Now!  

Or at least scroll by REALLY fast!


Anyway, back to the trestle photos...

I know I should use a hood, but I actually love lens flare.  It's pretty.  

We started the walk home... Lee had his ducks in a row...
Over the bridge

And under.

I saw some interesting branches with spiderwebs and BOKEH!  #Boke

For the probably 1000th time...I'm weird.  =D

Angela and Trinity waiting with Tammy's dog.

I simply adore this photo of the neighbor's tree at sunset.  Je t'aime. 

I also love this picture of Trinity and Toto on the road to the house.  I don't think that's the dog's name. 

And this one of my awesome brother in the arch of the awesome house. 

Trinity and I continued walking around after the others went in.  We went down to see the neighbor's cows.  

And the Canadian geese in the other neighbor's yard.

Afterwards, we played dominoes and I took photos of Angela. 
 On Facebook, she pointed out that her hand looks weird...scaly or something.  It does.  I don't have any idea why.  

And this is the awesome lady who opened her home to me.  She has done so for my family for years and I so appreciate her.  I enjoyed talking about my brother Josh (Joe Jr.) who passed away many years ago.  

After a very stupid trip to the basement and attic with Sabrina, Angela, Logan and Trinity, it was time for bed.  But not for sleep.  

After all the talk of ghosts and stories... And then someone turning the light off on us when we were in the attic... And the creepy photo of the sweet boy from the 1800s who kept watching me as I walked to my room.

I didn't sleep a wink.  

haha!  Good times.
