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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Monday, May 25, 2015

Taphophile Tour - Sacramento Old City Cemetery Part II

Part II - More Flowers, Birds, and General Cemetery Beauty

This photo is just a different crop of the uncropped photo the above was taken from.  As we know, I love  bokeh and the bokeh in the background were just simply perfect.  So I wanted to include it.

Sometimes colorful leaves are as beautiful as flowers.  And serve as a distraction from the inherent sadness for the child's tombstone in the background.

Classical tombs and monuments lend a magnificence to the landscape.
Gorgeous pink.  I love the vines and the blue and black pattern in the center is just lovely.  I wish I was able to get a clearer shot.
 Tiny...delicate...but oh so detailed blue flowers.

And speaking of blue...who in their right mind named this gorgeous boy a "scrub" jay? Definitely not a scrub.

Staying with birds for a moment.  This woodpecker was tormenting me.  I spent probably 40 minutes following it around and trying to get a clear shot.  It always moved at the very last second.  And then I'd try to follow it and the whole shot would get blurred.

Woodpecker: 1  Jeanette: 0

Woodpecker: 2  Jeanette: 0

Woodpecker: 3  Jeanette: 0
Game, set, match.

Another (or maybe the same) dazzling scrub jay.

Such a stunning be-columned chapel-like tomb.

This is one of my favorites.   Such a glorious shade of purple complimented by the intricate scrolling of the grave fence.

 Such pleasing bokeh!

Another cool bee shot!  #SaveTheBees This shot has almost everything I love about flower photography.  Vibrant colors, sharp contrast, bokeh, and an awesome surprise subject.

Whilst meandering, I spied this cool tree root framing a plant. Nature is amazing.

This is probably my favorite statue in the cemetery.  The headless woman is a very close second.

One bonus to being a photographer...I seem to look at things in a different light when my camera is around.  Tiny flowers in the grass, while pleasing as a passing thought, are now noticed for their true beauty and intricacy. While even the grass is viewed in a new light.

Eschscholzia Californica - California Poppy, out State flower.

These glorious roses have interesting symbolism.  Death (left) and rebirth.

The back and front of a while daffodil.

One one side of the cemetery, where I almost never see anyone, there are some Japanese graves.  Unfortunately, in the past, this cemetery has fallen victim to disrespectful assholes who have vandalized some of the gravestones.

Some gravestones have simply succumbed to time and the elements.

More broken headstones...  The handshake on this stone likely means "welcome to the afterlife" or it could be a sign of matrimony.

This is the aforementioned lady without a head statue.  I just love this entire plot.  It's remarkably memorable.  And it holds some special memories for me.  ;-)

Purple flowers against purple bokeh.
I love tulips.

One reason I love cemeteries is that they inspire me to learn.  Seeing this pristine gravestone of a military man made me want to learn more about the ship he served on.  She was one of three with that name. Fascinating.

See more below...

Plum blossoms.

Here's that horse again...but from the other side, it is nicely framed by other stones.  I learned during the course of this post that horse statues/imagery on graves can be indicative of how the person died.

If the horse is rearing with two feet in the air, it means it's rider died in battle. If the horse has one hoof raised, it means that the rider died from injuries sustained in battle.  All four hooves on the ground means natural causes.

A touching tribute to a beloved wife and mother.

For some reason, I really like this one.

After traversing the entire two cemeteries (as my previous post mentioned, there are really two cemeteries but they seem as one), the sun was going down.  After I took this photo, I noticed a sign that stated the gates closed at 4:30 p.m.  It was freaking 5:40!

I couldn't believe it. And the damn sign was not on the main road, but rather in one of the plots with just a small trail.  You would think they would have posted that information on the actual road!

I raced to my car.  Got in.  Drove to the gate.

Closed and locked.

I found it hard to believe that it was the only gate because there are several roads that look like they connect.  Nope.  This one road was just a loop. It ran parallel to one of the roads in the main cemetery, but did not connect.  What. The. Hell.

I parked and raced across the hilly half mile to where the main gate is located.  I figured that was my best chance to get out even if I couldn't get my car out.

When I was almost there, I spotted a car driving slowly towards me.  I had seen this same car several times throughout the day.  It was a security guard.  He pulled up and asked me if that was my car locked in the "other" cemetery.  He said the guard had come over and asked him if he knew whose care it was before she locked the gate, but he said there were too many  people there to guess.

Sucks to be me.

Basically I had to leave my car there overnight and my bestie came and picked me up.  LOL  Only me, I swear.

Good times!
