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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Flashback - Veteran's Day 2013 - In Honor of the Red White and Blue

I found a couple more events from 2013 and thought I would post this one since we are nearing another patriotic holiday.

These first photos were taken on what used to be Mather Air Force Base, now decommissioned. However the hospital was turned into a Veteran's Hospital and there is a wonderful plaza in front dedicated to our nation's veterans.

FUN FACT:  My daughter was born in this hospital when it was still an air base.

Veterans old and new were in attendance.

ROTC Color guard.

It's sad that the fear of terrorists both foreign and domestic requires us all to barricade facilities for fear of terrorist attacks like the one in Oklahoma City. But the barricade lends a striking presence in this photo.

Two "soldiers" from the Revolutionary War assisted in presenting the wreaths of honor.

After listening to the various speakers and music by the River City Concert Band, I headed downtown to the Veteran's Day Parade.  I always try to make as many events as possible on Veterans Day.  It seems that the crowds dwindle each year and I feel it's so important to show support for those who have fought for our country.  I was very happy to see a good turnout at the parade.

Those who know me know I'm a car lover.  And one of my favorites is the good ol' American...Chevy Corvette.  The parade featured quite a few of those bad boys.  Here are my favorites:

There was also a motorcycle club representing. Nice.

The firefighters were very popular as well.  In addition to the engines, some of the firefighters were walking the crowds giving away candy and hugs and taking photos with people when asked. 

There were food trucks present so I took the opportunity to get some food from the Drewski's Truck after the parade ended. 

A wonderful end to a wonderful day.  No matter what your feeling are on our government and/or war policy, the people who have served in our military should be respected and appreciated for their willingness to put themselves in danger.  Especially those who had little to no choice.  

As we draw closer to another birthday for our great country, I salute you and thank you.  Say what you will about America, but many, many people have benefited from living in this country.  Many, many people have come here and benefited.  Many, many more try to come here everyday.

Thanks to those who served our country and made it as strong as it became.  Hopefully we don't lose that. 
