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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Where Did The Party Go? - Sharks/Canucks Game 4 - 2013 Stanley Cup Playoffs 5/7/2012

That is my Fall Out Boy inspired (or stolen, depending on your outlook) title.  If you're an FOB fan like me which - let's face it - most people my age are definitely not, you'll know that they used to write extremely loooonnnngggg song titles.  Their new cd is different, so I fixed one of the songs for them.

Just in case you're not a fan, but feel like they sound familiar, this is probably why:

Damn, that video made me really fucking sad. Which is surprising since there is a (not)surprising lack of Sharks in it.   I really thought the Sharks were going to do it this year.  I still think they got robbed.  You will NEVER convince me that the Kings were handed game 2 in L.A. with that incredibly bogus 5-3 in the waning minutes of the game.  The Stuart penalty? Okay, maybe although the Kings are truly the Kings of interference which never gets called.  The Vlasic puck over the glass?  No. Fucking.Way.  That went off of the Kings player.

Yes, you can argue that the Sharks should have killed off the penalty, but that late in a close game...having a bullshit call practically gift a tie to the opposition...
pretty demoralizing, I can imagine.

And don't even get me started on the bullshit suspension of Raffi Torres.  He deserves a lot of things but a 6 game suspension for THAT particular hit was definitely NOT one of them. 

But I digress.

This post is about a HAPPIER time.  A time when the Sharks were ebulliently crushing the Canucks who, ironically, were ardently complaining about the refs themselves.  Oh, good times.

We got there late.  Which wasn't a good time.  We left Sacramento with plenty of time, but traffic was horrible.  So we got there at the tail end of warm ups and couldn't even think about getting close to the glass.  Nevertheless, pictures!

OH!  I would be totally remiss if I didn't mention that Adrienne's friend Kyle bought her these tickets for her birthday.  We weren't really in a position to buy any playoff tickets.  What a wonderful guy!  And he ended up having to work, poor guy!  So guess who benefited? This girl!

And he gave her some good seats!  That boy spent some money, which was really, really sweet.  Front row in the upper deck.  Almost exactly where we sat for the last game of the season except in front of the Sharks bench this time.

But back to warmups...but first a disclaimer of sorts.  My daughter pointed out to me at an A's game a week after this Sharks game that I had the wrong lens on my camera. Blonde me had not even noticed.  So I didn't have my zoom lens. And in the process of making these pictures closer and lightening them, the quality was definitely compromised.  But I felt there were a few that were worth sharing.

 Smiling Pavs...he's always smiling before games.

So after abbreviated warm ups, we headed to our awesome seats!  Here's me with the birthday girl.
I haven't been to a playoff game for a couple years. I love how pretty everything is!
 Our seats were almost directly across from the Sharks head.  Fun!
Even Sharkie is prettier!

National Anthems!  I'm one of the few who still love this part of sporting events.

As Captain Tenneal would say...
"Let's get it on!"

 Waiting for Jumbo to troll Captain Sedin...

 Despite what this next photo looks like, I believe it was Desi who got the penalty.
Sweep Sweep Sweep Sweep

Juicy Couture was so excited!  He loves him some Patty.

I hate Alain Vigneault.  He's such an ass and IMO really contributed to the whiny, assified air of the Canucks over the years.  Please don't let him be the Rangers coach.  Please, please, please.

In this lovely picture, you can see him march off the ice in a tizzy, crying his eyes out. He didn't participate in the handshake line.

One of the best traditions in sport, if you ask me.  

 Here's Captain Sedin whining to the refs too.  lol

 Jumbo and Koala share a moment.
 Shark's PR guy Tom Holey gets Patty ready for the national after-game interview.

 Bad quality Happy Patty
Happy fans in the concourse after the game.
 Outside it was party time
 Oh pretty HP Pavilion.  In retrospect, this is the last time I'll see it.  At least as HP since it's being renamed SAP something or other.  It'll always be the Shark Tank.

Good season boys. I still believe that if the Sharks had (rightfully IMO) beat the Kings, they would have had the best chance to beat the Blackhawks and go to the Stanley Cup Final.  In fact, when the "Hawks beat the Kings I felt more depressed the next day than I had been since the Sharks lost.  It just felt like the Sharks should have been there.

Much as I hate Raffi Torres, I do want the Sharks to resign him and (as usual) shore up the bottom six a little bit (can we get Jamie McGinn back?  Or Ryan Malone please?) with some speed, net-front presence and toughness and I think the Sharks CAN do it next season.

