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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Friday, December 28, 2018

Birdwatching! Merced National Wildlife Refuge January 2018

Didn't get to do many birding trips this year but one of the few times I did get out was very early in the year - January 6, 2018, to be exact.  I had to go down near Merced so I made it a point to run to the wildlife refuge.  I got there at the end of the rainy day and the timing was perfect as the clouds parted, the sun started to set, and the birds and squirrels came out in force.  

I got some great landscape shots and saw some beautiful birds, including a juvenile or non-breeding adult White-Faced Ibis which I don't see too often.  

The Sandhill Cranes were not cooperating and were in a field full of cornstalk fragments.  So here is a shot of them flying in for a landing!

Did I mention how gorgeous the sky and water was after the rain?  
I love that clean glow and can still smell the fresh air. 

Northern Shoveler

Of course I had to take several shots of the beautiful, greenish Ibis!  

Killdeers always look so worried that they break my heart!  It's okay little beauty.

And a little Pied-billed Grebe with his American Coot buddy!  Another rare (for me) sighting. 

So many birds in flight!

And here's one of the chubby ground squirrels that were running around.  

Of course there was a flock of beautiful white Snow & Ross' geese.

I'll leave you with one last shot of the cranes flying around the gorgeous purpley-blue sky.

If you love nature and birds like I do, there are many more posts about adventures birdwatching!  Some even have good photos!  
Feel free to give it a search because I'm too lazy to do links right now.  ;-)

I purple you!


Nikon D3300