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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Majestic Wild Horses - Nevada (Sans Lecture!)

Hi there.  

In my last post about these beautiful and free animals, I started to lecture about the Government policies and then said I would probably talk more about it in my next post, which is about the third herd of wild animals I found.  

But I'm probably not going to do that.  For now.  Probably.  lol  I do reserve the right to talk about it in future posts though.  

Anyway, this third herd that I found was on the South side of Highway 50 near the town of Mound House.  Also near the town of Mound House? The infamous Bunny Ranch.  But I didn't stop there...maybe on another trip.  Just kidding!

This herd was about 50 yards off of the road and I was actually alerted to their presence by a vehicle parked on the side of the highway as I drove past.  Seeing the parked vehicle with doors open, I looked to see if there were any horses about and I could just see a few heads above the tall brush.

I couldn't flip around immediately as there were no roads or turn offs.  So, once again, I had to drive a little ways and then make a few turns to get back, praying all the while that the horses would still be there. 

When I did flip around, I noticed that one of the cross-streets that I used was named after me!

I used surface streets as I had decided not to park on the highway for safety reasons and so I pulled slowly along the combination of dirt and paved roads until I saw the horses.  I parked and got out to walk closer. 

I couldn't believe my eyes! As I approached, I could see two ladies (apparently from the parked vehicle) and they were standing extremely close to a group of horses, one of which was a baby!  

As I slowly walked so as to not spook any horses, I watched as the women very slowly moved closer to the horses.  Then one reached out her hand and touched the beautiful bay's rump! I was so shocked that I didn't click the shutter button right away!  

I thought maybe she was going to get kicked so I took a few photos just in case.  haha 
Kidding.  I think.

I walked up and joined them and remarked that I thought she was going to get hurt and she said "Well, if you just move very slowly and speak softly, they don't mind you.  We've been here awhile; we're just leaving. Have fun!"

I was a bit amazed to be honest. But they were right that, as long as I stayed in one place or moved slowly, they didn't seem to take much notice of me. 

This was by far the largest herd.  There were probably about 20+ horses including several foals and yearlings. As I mentioned in my previous post, the coloration of this herd was very different from the other two.   This herd had no Paint/Pinto markings and 5-7 Roan/Appaloosa colorations.

This little family unit was right next to the road and had an adorable baby for me to focus on!

He's drinking!  Awwww

Such a sweet baby!

You can see what I meant about just seeing heads through the scrub.  The bushes in this area were much taller than the flowery grounds where I found the last two groups. 

So, I mentioned in my last post that I was dealing with a full memory card.  Even though I kept stopping to delete photos, it refilled fast with all these gorgeous subjects!  So at one point, I realized that I had left my phone in my car down the road.  I went back to get it and, apparently when I came back I was so excited by being out with these beautiful animals that I forgot to walk slowly (for being a big gal, I am a pretty fast walker).

Well, I remembered the hard way that these are wild animals and require caution...especially when this close.  

As I walked back up the road, a young (maybe 1-2 years old) and beautiful Roan took exception to my fast pace and challenged me!  I don't have any photos or video because, well, I'm not stupid!!

The Roan was about 20 feet into the brush as I came walking up the middle of the road.  Her head swung around and she let out a loud HUFF and came at me at a very quick trot!  The road was about a foot lower than the surrounding ground, so I scrambled across the road and up the opposing bank while trying to keep my front/side towards the horses so I wouldn't look like prey (not that they have prey, but I figured it couldn't hurt!)

When I got up the bank, I must have looked tall and fairly imposing.  I was also talking softly (apologizing profusely!!) so as to hopefully calm her down!

She stood right on the edge of the road and stared at me for a minute (ears forward, so I didn't feel too threatened at this point) and then turned and walked back about a foot into the brush, rejoined the herd, and acted like she had forgotten all about me.  lol!  

That's her on the right.

Although she couldn't resist checking on my now and again. What a beauty!

Two babies and a protective adult.

How many wild horses can you count?  

FLove this horse and photo!!  What a gorgeous animal...even with the bite scar on her chest!

Speaking of bites, I'm pretty sure they nibble the foals as a sign of love.  I saw a LOT of nibbling on babies going on with all the groups.

Oh and just look at this stunning Bay mama and baby.  Love that gorgeous dorsal stripe!  And her ears are just slightly tipped black.  So pretty!

And here's my Roan friend again...looking like a model!

I could not ask for a better pose!

Thank you SO MUCH Nevada!  I could not have asked for a better day finding wild horses!

And just to finish off, a couple cool shots from my drive home courtesy of Mother Nature!

And this fake train on an overpass, which I thought was cool.  lol

I came back through some snow over the passes, and some rain over the lake.  Lovely!

And then I stopped at Harvey's and lost $40.  But it was a GREAT day!  If I won, it would have been perfect!


Nikon D3300