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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Thursday, December 15, 2016

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas! In Nevada City 2015

Need to get away from birds for a minute?  I think I do.  Although I'm dying to get out birding this weekend.  haha 

I figured that since Christmas is almost here, I would do a "throwback Thursday" post to that time last year I drove to Nevada City, California for a meet up that didn't happen.  

It was a cold and rainy weekend day and I was supposed to meet up with some fellow amateur photogs to take some shots in the beautiful Sierra Nevada foothill town.  It was the time of the annual Old-Timey Christmas Faire and photo ops should be good.  I got there about the right time, but didn't see any group of people that met the description.  So, me being me, I happily decided to just set out on my own.  Did I mention it was raining?

I parked my car about 3 blocks from historic downtown and quickly started taking photos of interesting tidbits. 

There are several amazingly picturesque churches in town.  One of which I had to walk right past. 

Being on a pretty steep hill, the angles (I mis-typed that as "angels" which seems pretty appropriate too) were so cool with the stone wall and white fence.  I FLOVE this next shot which I edited with black and white and low-contrast except for the gold crosses. 

I don't do much low-sat or low-contrast.  I need to experiment with this more!

Back to a higher contrast and sat in order to fully capture the very cool stone wall. 

Once I was finally in the downtown area I found a much needed ladies room (long drive!) and beside it was this beautiful tree decked out in festive pine cones. 

I began walking around and found this beautiful Methodist church. 

And this gorgeous boy who was loving all the attention!

Sometimes you can find beauty in the most mundane.  This building corner spoke to me with it's rich, red bricks, black roof, and greenish, ornate iron railing.  

And of course, this being a Christmas fair, there were carolers.  I took some video of these guys, but it was lost in my phone that blew up. 😒 They were really good!

I love animals.  I really do.  And I'm all about conservation and trying to make the Earth a better place.  That being said, I'm a little bit torn about a few things. Carriage horses are one of those things.  I hate seeing them and I love seeing them. 

Of course this is a historical mining town and so there was an ode to mining equipment. 

Several of them, in fact. 

Oh look!  I found another church!  This one was the First Baptist Church. 

There is also a replica Maidu Indian teepee to honor the local tribe. 

There was some irreverent (of course) but also pretty considerate advice written inside:

Needless to say, I hightailed it back out into the rain. lol

And found this eccentric garden on my way back to my car.  I love it!

One more shot of the beautiful church...this time from the bottom of the hill, in the misty rain. 

And then, I was off.  I decided to finish my trip in a decidedly un-Victorian fashion...by getting a Salted-Caramel Mocha from Starbucks!  Yum!  And I'm glad I stopped, because just as I was pulling out of the drive-through with my hand-warming mocha, the sun broke through the clouds and a resplendent rainbow arched over the sky!

What a fun day!  Maybe I'll do it again this year!  In the snow!


Nikon D3000