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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Friday, December 16, 2016

Auburn County Courthouse Visit 12/6/2015

In my last post, I shared my wonderful rainy-day visit to Nevada City.  On the way home, I decided to stop and photograph the historic Auburn Courthouse, something I've always wanted to do, but managed to never accomplish.  It's a pretty magnificent, yet intimate feeling building.

Construction on this version of the Placer County Courthouse was completed in 1898. 
I love the combination of brick and granite from the aptly-named Rocklin; what a beautiful contrast.

There are magnificent stairs on the North and South side which lead to the 2nd story, although you can't get in this way any longer. 

From the article linked at the top of the post, "This building is one of four surviving northern and central California courthouses which retain most of their architectural ornamentation and magnificent domes.

I ventured inside, not sure what to expect.  What I found was a jail-turned-museum with displays on the courthouse, local history, and nature peoples of the area. 

This is the old courthouse office. 

 Thar's GOLD in them thar hills!

There was also a lovely quilt display for Christmas. 

I'll finish up with one last picture outside.  This is from the 2nd story veranda at the top of the stairs.  Love the columns. 

It's a a beautiful building and I would definitely recommend a visit to any history or architecture buffs out there.  Or photography buffs for that matter!  



Nikon D3000