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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Never Forget! September 11, 2001

down ~ by Jesse Glass 
it came

from the
autumn sky

it came


& everyone

& wept
in the city

(my city)

& some were

& some were

& some were

& some were

where were you

watching then?

in the

in the broken

in the oily

in the tainted

where were you



then when
rose & lookt
at the sky

lookt at the sky

where they

in my

& wept ?

I remember.
How could I forget?

September 11, 2001 
my fifteen year old daughter and I
were starting a new life having just moved 
into a new apartment in what turned out to
be the dying months of the relationship
with the love of my life.

Not meant to be.
Like so many things.
Little did I know
that my life, like so many others,
was about to change dramatically.

But that morning, I was rushing in the process 
of getting my daughter to school on time 
No t.v., no radio. 
A cd in the player in the car
prevented me from hearing the news right away.

As my daughter hopped out of the car at school
I pressed the button that would change the rest of my day.
And country.  And life.

I was stunned as I heard the news.  
I wasn't sure what had happened or if what I was hearing 
was some kind of joke or stunt.  
I truly didn't believe it.

I called my mate to see if he knew what was going on.
He didn't.
I said I would be right over since the cable at my apartment
wasn't turned on yet. I arrived to find him glued to the t.v. screen.
The images were unbelievable.  
I called my job - at that time I worked for the State - to see if there were any 
special instructions and was told to stay home since they didn't know if State offices
would be safe.  

We stayed there the whole day, leaving only to pick up the kids from school. 

Watching those images.
Losing our faith in humanity.
Hoping for the best.
Watching people die.

Anger, hurt, disbelief, grief, and vulnerability all fought to be my supreme emotion.

I'm not ashamed to say that I sometimes shared the sentiments that we should go to war
and bomb all terrorist countries off the face of the earth.

I hate that sometimes I still feel that way.
I hate that sometimes I wonder if my Muslim customers are secretly terrorists.
Even those whom I like and feel comfortable with.

I do have Muslim friends.
I don't think I've felt that way about those I know well.
But I can't honestly say I have never wondered.

I don't understand how these atrocities can be done in the name of religion.
And yes, I am aware of American atrocities.
I know our country is not blameless in the way we are perceived in the world.
 I know that our leaders, military, etc. have made mistakes and innocents have died.

But I also know that we, as a people, have never authorized or committed a concerted attack on entirely 
innocent people in the name of war or country or God. 

I just can't wrap my brain around it.  I get angry sitting here thinking about it.
I'd rather go watch National Geographic channel where I'll at least just be sad, not angry.

To those lost in the unforgivable terrorist attacks: RIP - you will not be forgotten.
To those families & people forever affected - my heart, prayers, & thoughts go out to you.