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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

It's a Bird! It's a Plane! Or Is It? - Mini Post Excitement 7/1/16

I was heading down Road 94B in Woodland on my search of flowers and fauna.  It was an interesting road.  Fields and a few houses and so on.  

As I was approaching an old, narrow bridge with a stand of trees on one side, my eye was caught by a large bird sitting in a tree top just off the road.  I was going too fast to pull over, so I crossed the bridge and turned around.  I went back and parked my car so I could get out and explore. 

I didn't have my zoom lens with me, so I figured my chances of getting any good shots of Mr. Turkey Vulture would be slim to none. To my surprise, he was pretty calm and cooperative, even spreading his wings for several shots!  

Love at first sight:

He's checking to see if I like this pose.  I do, Mr. Vulture.  

Nope.  Not flying, just turning to the side so I can get a different view.  You can see through his nostrils!!  

He was balancing while extending his wings every which way for me.  The Zoolander of vultures!

Blue Steel.

This is not a vulture.  This is a plane.  Just down the street is the Yolo Fliers Club.

"Ummm, excuse me! Aren't you supposed to be taking NATURE pictures Madam Photographer?"
 Oh, yes.  I definitely am!! 
He never flew away and was quite happily perched when I returned to my car and drove away.

Oh how I wish I had my zoom!  These photos would have been amazing.  But not bad for an 18-55 with a semi-skittish bird.

The area was pretty cool and I couldn't resist a photo of some graffiti on the bridge which crosses over Cache Creek.  Made even more interesting with a little bit of fisheye thrown in. 

On the other side of the bridge (Mr. Vulture's side actually), there were tons of swallows flitting around and around in the air above the water far below.  I tried to capture them with very modest "success".

One last shot of Derek with a weird self-portrait in shadow.  I like it.  

And I jumped back in my faithful ride and headed North toward the sun and the bee-filled safflower fields. 


Nikon D3300 with 18-55 lens (some wide/fisheye attachment)