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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Point Reyes National Seashore April 10, 2016 - The Beginning

Last weekend, my wanderlust was at full force.  Probably because I was trying to avoid doing my taxes and other not-fun stuff.  So I decided to get up before dawn and head to Point Reyes National Seashore in search of exercise, fresh air, and animals. 

The blue hour before dawn came as I was making my way past Vallejo and down Highway 37 along the San Pablo Bay.  Of course I had to stop and take some photos since there are lots of cool bridges along the way. 

I did not count on the mosquitoes that swarmed me when I got out to take the picture.  
Yikes!  It was worth it though.  

My next "detour" came when I tried to follow my memory on a shortcut.  Of course, I haven't been to Point Reyes for many years, and the old memory ain't what it used to be.  But luckily, my detour looped me back underneath Highway 37 where I found some delightful sights to capture. 

This is the Petaluma river heading toward Black John Slough.  The blue hour creates such lovely contrast and reflections.  Heading in the opposite direction where the Petaluma meets San Pablo Bay, is a very photogenic swing bridge for the railroad tracks. 

And in the middle, is Highway 37 and the Black Point boat launch. 

Detour over and with dawn in full effect, I got back on Highway 37 and made my way to Point Reyes. I got to the park before the lighthouse was open, but I decided to head there anyway and just walk around the area. 

The first resident to greet me was a gorgeous Turkey Vulture.  Well, gorgeous in his own way. :-)

He put up with me for quite awhile, but then he decided to take his beauty elsewhere. 

All over Point Reyes are working cattle ranches. This is somewhat controversial, especially after the occupation of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon.  You can read more about the lawsuit over the ranches if you're interested.

But for me, I enjoy seeing the cattle.  They're cute... 

...even when they're blocking the road. 

I parked near the Sea Lion Overlook and decided to walk around for awhile and take some photos.  It was a bit foggy with some intermittent rain, but not too bad.  Made for some interesting photos, especially with all the wet, brown fencing. 

As I was walking around, I was thrilled to see some Black-tailed Deer.  I was happy that the deer seemed pretty okay with me walking around.  Of course these photos are with a zoom lens, but I was right below them on a road.  I really try to never approach too close so as not to stress an animal.  If they stand up, etc., you're too close and stressing them out.  

Just down the road, I ran into some nosy Ravens.  What a contrast from the silent deer!

This is the little path to the Sea Lion Overlook.  

There were sea lions to be overlooked, so the name is fitting.  However it's pretty far down to the rocks/ocean so it's kind of hard to be sure what you're looking at!  Here is a way zoomed in photo of the three I was fortunate to overlook through my lens.

There were so many wildflowers!  Including beautiful wild Iris all over the place.

I parked at the Lighthouse parking lot and began the walk over the hills. It's a nice little walk on a paved road, but be forewarned...there are hills.  And if you want to get down to the actual lighthouse, there are stairs.  Many, many stairs.  

This shot is of the 11-mile long Point Reyes Beach.  The weather was clearing up, but there were random fog banks rolling in front time to time. 

Cypress tree over the road by old, abandoned structures from the original lighthouse complex.

The rocks around the lighthouse are amazing. It's called Point Reyes Conglomerate and consists of chert pebbles and volcanic rock separated by beds of graded sandstone.  The rocks are millions of years old.  Fascinating and beautiful.

Next post we will make the trek down the stairs and explore the lighthouse and it's surroundings! 


Nikon D3300