About Me

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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Japantown - 6/1/13

Life's been pretty much crazy lately with trying to get situated for Adrienne to move to USC and all that it entails.  But I'm hanging in there and, despite what some people suggest, we WILL make this dream come true.

On top of all that, I started my new job (which I LOVE) and also have been studying my ass off for another promotional exam that figures heavily on math.  Not my strong suit.  And frankly, I took the test last Thursday and I don't think I passed. But if I didn't, I'll take it as a challenge & retake the test in 6 months.

I've been wanting to get these pictures on here but just haven't had time or energy.  But I'm going to take the time out of my housecleaning.  Win! Right?

I made a completely unplanned stop at Japantown and was glad I did.  They were having the Soy &Tofu Festival (two things of which I heartily approve) and there were some fun things going on.  
But first, I decided to do a little bit of shopping.  
I wanted to buy a lucky cat.  

But I ended up getting a lucky cat mug that sort of resembles an amalgam of my two kitties.

I bought the one that's in the upper right of the picture. Gray with brown tiger stripes.  

Eric Chavez on your left &Mark Ellis on your right. :-)
I was also sorely tempted by some beautiful teapots, but that will be for another trip.

After my short shopping spree, I made my way out to the plaza where there were activities, booths, food trucks, freebies, etc.  

Yes...I stood in line for free tofu!  lol  It was good.  Tofu bite in yuzu soy sauce.  And a free Kikkoman soy green tea.  Yum.

If only I knew what I was about to do, maybe I wouldn't have stood in line!! But luckily all the tofu I ate was of very high quality and therefore smooth and delicious.

I sat in the audience, tempted by their promise of giving away prized.  I had just seen someone in the audience get to sample a bite of something and then give his opinion.  For this he got a t-shirt.  So when they started talking about these cute bags, I was totally suckered in.  

So imagine my own surprise when they asked for volunteers and my hand shot up!!!  But instead of them coming to me, I had to go up on stage and participate with two others in the Soy Don't Suck Challenge!

Where I had to suck soy.  I'm not kidding.

First person to suck all their tofu through the pearl straws wins the grand prize.  That's a lot of tofu!
(On a side note...LOVE my nail polish!)

I didn't win...George did.  LOL (photo courtesy of Michael Jung Photography)

But I did get a prize!  Soy & sesame dressing (which is delicious), 4 Soy Joy bars (also delicious), and some Kikkoman soy sauce (which I can always use!).

I walked around for a bit until I was feeling a little hungry again because a food truck that I had been wanting to try was on the scene.  The Chairman!
And boy am I glad that I did!  
So. Freaking. Delicious!

I got the pork belly on steamed bao with tumeric-pickled daikon.  

After slurping down this delectable treat, I hopped back in my car to head for the Sutro Baths, looking forward to walking all this food off!
