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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Thursday, November 3, 2016

#TBT: December in Capital Park - 12/5/2015

Wow!  So it's been about 2 months since I posted?  Well, let's remedy that.  It's not for lack of content as I have beaucoup photos and trips to post and talk about!  

So let me stick close to home and do a short little post regarding the California State Capitol and it's surrounding park.  One of my favorite local places.

Whether you want to explore the Capitol building itself or just walk around outdoors, this the the place to be.  I've shared several of my visits to the Capitol and it's surrounding park in the past - such as this one about the Rose Garden & sculpures at 15th Street, and this one about the small but amazing cactus garden, and we can't forget this one with the inappropriate painting and tour inside the Capitol.

The building itself, like many historical buildings, has so much beauty and personality.  And during the holidays, it has an extra little flair.  From the towering Christmas tree shown in the photo above to the huge Menorah on the steps in the photo below, there is something for everyone.

And if you aren't religious, the artwork on the building itself is worthy of your attention. 

As usual, there were many happy people out and about on this gorgeous early December day.  And why not?  There were still Autumn colors to be found as the falling leaves and evergreen bushes and trees add so much to the beauty of the park. 

And of course, for us animal lovers, the grounds were full of hardworking squirrels and birds, like the beautiful scrub jay below with his prize peanut. 

I headed inside to wander around for a few minutes.  I didn't take the full tour, but wanted to have some time on my own to see what might appear interesting to my lens.  Such as the elegant vaulted hallways.

And the beautiful statue of Queen Isabella I, Queen of Castile.  In this nightmare side view, Columbus appears to be looking directly into our eyes as he makes his appeal to the Queen.

Meanwhile, further up in the Rotunda, check out the detail in the walls!  Such as this California golden bear roaring at the people standing below.

And the golden frieze above each of the arched doors. 
Note the State seal in the middle.

This next photo does not do justice to this marvelous tile floor.  The golden poppies are, of course, the California State Flower and a fabulous choice for a mosaic.   

Below is a light fixture in the ceiling of one of the halls.  Again depicting the California Seal, this time in stained glass.  You can see the Goddess Minerva more clearly than in the golden frieze.  Minerva was chosen for the Seal as legend has it that she was born an adult.  Just as California was "born" into a State with no childhood, never having been a territory first.  

Staying with lighting fixtures, I was totally in love with these glowing balls!  

I love the vintage look and the softly glowing orbs in the dark stairwell gave an ethereal feel, especially when I was all alone for a good while.  Just me and the ghosts of Christmas past.

To break the eerie spell, I had to look out the 2nd floor window.  And the bright, golden glory of the Tower Bridge with its cars and humans restored me to the present. 

I headed back outdoors to walk around the park, which is one mile in circumference and filled with camellia bushes. 
And roses, even away from the actual Rose Garden.

There is one particular garden near the Capitol building that is filled with Aspen and Maple trees, so the Autumn colors were incredible!

And what's better than winter-white rosebuds and bokeh???

Maybe fuzzy pods on a branch with an Autumnal vibe??

Or maybe bright colors on deep green leaves?  
Nature is truly amazing!

This post approved by Father Junipero Serra.


Nikon D3000