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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Birthday Butterflies, Toads, & Jelly at California Academy of Sciences San Francisco 3/16

Turning the big 5-0 is not something I have dreaded or had any sort of mid-life crisis about.  I mean...I do feel hella old now.  Which is completely new to me since I've never felt old before, but I'm going to blame that more on what a rough year this one has been and the health problems I've had rather than just...you know...being old.

But just as turning 50 wasn't really something to fear, I really didn't want to exactly CELEBRATE it either!  I'm sure you know what I mean.  lol  So when my daughter and sister asked what I was planning for my birthday, I said that I would love to go to San Francisco while Adrienne was home on Spring Break.  I wanted to visit a museum and/or do something outdoors (of course).

We settled on the amazing California Academy of Sciences which fits both bills.  Adrienne and I had never been, but Rose had so she acted as our tour guide.  First thing we saw walking in the entry is a gigantic T-Rex skeleton.

I was so excited to get to the Rainforest, but there were many cool things to see on the way.  A fan favorite at every aquarium caught our attention and we made out way to a clear pool filled with rays and sharks.

If you're into amphibians, CalAcademy is the place for you!

They have various terrariums and aquariums set up here and there so there is always something fascinating and beautiful to see.

After oooing and aaahing at the various species, we finally entered the Rainforest.  The difference in atmosphere is felt immediately.  The air is much hotter and very humid of course.  You really get the sense of being under a rainforest canopy as you enter at ground level.  Your senses are alight with visions of butterflies, songs of birds, and the smell of plants and water.

Much to my disappointment, it was hard to get a clear picture of the birds flitting in the trees.

The beautiful bromeliads were another story, making brilliant splashes of color against a background of green.

As did the gorgeous and varied butterflies!

Looking down from the pathways of the rainforest, you can see into the aquarium below with it's wild-looking creatures.

Look out for butterflies!!

Once you reach the top of the rainforest, there are more terrariums with cool creatures.

When you're ready to depart, you must check yourself carefully for any hitchhiking butterflies and then board the elevator which stops only at the bottom.  The mirrored walls assist you with further checks for wannabe escapees; once you're all clear, you exit the room and step right into the  underwater beauty of the deep ocean.

There you tour the California coast and all it's creatures.  Of course there is a wonderful hands-on tidepool exhibit where I couldn't resist spending some time learning about the amazing creatures.

And of course, there are jellyfish.  I love jellies.  This is the beautiful Man O' War.

And I believe these are Moon jellyfish.

I stood and watched this tank for quite awhile.  It's so soothing. I could seriously spend all day watching these.

We made our way back upstairs (with a brief stop to look at the top of the lagoons)

And a stop in the Naturalist Center where Adrienne and I had a wonderful chat with a curator about nature birds and Rose made a paper butterfly. 

Then we hit the living rooftop.  This is the DeYoung Museum which sits just across the street. 

Then, it was time for out last stop of the day... The African Hall to watch their colony of African Penguins at feeding time.  They are adorable and amazing. 

All in all, it was a wonderful and education time spent with family.  I would highly recommend this museum and will definitely be returning there in the future!


Nikon D3000