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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Birdwatching at Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Part 2


Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, water, bokeh, mushrooms, landscape, nature, photography, outdoors, birds, birdwatching,

Greater White-fronted Geese

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, water, bokeh, geese, ducks, landscape, nature, photography, outdoors, birds, birdwatching,

I am really not good at hawk/raptor identification.  :0  I'm trying to learn though. 

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, water, bokeh, hawk, tree, California, landscape, nature, photography, outdoors, birds, birdwatching,

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, hawk, bokeh, mushrooms, landscape, nature, photography, outdoors, birds, birdwatching,

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, water, bokeh, mushrooms, landscape, nature, photography, outdoors, birds, birdwatching,

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, water, bokeh, mushrooms, landscape, nature, photography, outdoors, birds, birdwatching,

A line of Snow/Ross Geese heading for the water in the canal. 

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, water, bokeh, mushrooms, landscape, nature, photography, outdoors, birds, birdwatching, Snow Goose, Ross Goose, ducks

Ross/Snow Geese looking pretty in pink as the sun started to set.

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, water, bokeh, mushrooms, landscape, nature, photography, outdoors, birds, birdwatching, Snow Goose, Ross Goose

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, water, bokeh, mushrooms, landscape, nature, photography, outdoors, birds, birdwatching, Snow Geese, Sunset, Ross Gees

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, water, bokeh, mushrooms, landscape, nature, photography, outdoors, birds, birdwatching, Sparrow

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, water, bokeh, mushrooms, landscape, nature, photography, outdoors, birds, birdwatching, Sparrows

Pelicans in the background surrounded by ducks!

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, water, bokeh, mushrooms, landscape, nature, photography, outdoors, birds, birdwatching, Snow Geese, Pelicans, ducks

And wow!  Coming up to this tree from a distance down the road, I wondered what kind of big hawk this was.  But it's not a hawk, it's a Bald Eagle!

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, water, bokeh, mushrooms, landscape, nature, photography, outdoors, birds, birdwatching, Bald Eagle

Whenever I'm approaching a hawk, pheasant or unusual bird, I take a photo every few feet as I creep forward just in case the target of my lens decides he doesn't like it!

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, water, bokeh, mushrooms, landscape, nature, photography, outdoors, birds, birdwatching, Bald Eagle

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, water, bokeh, mushrooms, landscape, nature, photography, outdoors, birds, birdwatching, Bald Eagle

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, water, bokeh, mushrooms, landscape, nature, photography, outdoors, birds, birdwatching, Bald Eagle

This guy didn't care about me one whit.  I even got photos from the other side of the tree but you couldn't see him as well.  I sat and watched him chill for about 20 minutes.  

Then he startled me by deciding he wanted to cause a little bit of mayhem in the local duck population.  I was lucky enough to catch a fairly decent photo of him winging his way leisurely and, if you look closely in the lower right corner, you can see he startled the ducks as well!

Bald Eagle in flight pursuing ducks at Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

 What an amazing sight!  I always feel so lucky and blessed to see all of these magnificent creatures on my outings, but seeing eagles makes me feel extra special! 

And, believe it not, this wasn't my last eagle of the day!  Stay tuned!


Olympus E-M1 Mark 11 M.Zuiko 300mm lens