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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Sunday, January 3, 2021

January 2020 - Lake Merritt, Oakland California Birdwatching - Test and WOW!

Okay.  I'm back.  And this time I mean it!  After a rough year for everyone, I'm hoping for better times to come and want to get back to living - at least a little bit.  I found this quote (which didn't have any attribution as to origin) and I really like it.

This new year, I will love more and expect less. 

This new year I will let go more and get hurt less. 

This new year, I will live more and plan less. 

All except for the "plan less" part because as I get older I find I need to actually plan a bit more!  But the first two lines really, REALLY resonate with me.  

A wise young man recently said "You don't like me?! I don't like you."  And this is another way of looking at my new philosophy on living, loving, and letting go.  Thank you, Jeon Jung Kook, for putting it so succinctly so I can remember it at all times. You don't have to like me.  But I also don't have to worry about it!

Anyway, one of my many "changes in circumstances" this last year is that my wonderful daughter bought me an external hard drive.  I have not been wanting to edit photos for a few reasons - some mental.  But the main non-mental reason was that my computer and software were a pain in the ass.  So slow and freezy, etc., that I just couldn't stand it.  So I didn't. And then came Christmas and Yay!

It's amazing what NOT having my storage completely used up can do!  She also let me know during a conversation about software that she had a very old version of Topaz Labs DeNoise which I had been wanting to buy but couldn't justify.  So I was more than happy to have any version, even if it was old.  

BUT! Even better!  When I went to download it, it said that, since she had bought an earlier version, we were 'grandfathered' into the newest version, Denoise AI! Woot woot!!  Things are looking up!

It's an amazing product and I really recommend it. 

Now on to my first post of 2021 which contains photos from my first outing of 2020 - when Covid19 was just a whisper in the back of my mind and I was still thinking happily of future BTS concerts, travel, movies, etc.  

But on this beautiful day - 17th January in the year of our Lord 2020 - my lovely daughter agreed to accompany me for a drive and a walk along Lake Merritt in Oakland, California.  

I've posted about Lake Merritt before - along with plenty of birds, there are also some beautiful gardens!  My previous posts were from 2016, so I figured it was about time for another visit.  To check them out, follow these links!

Bird and more Birds!!

Gorgeous flowers, fat squirrels, & more!

More Gardens and birds!

On this visit, I had in hand a different camera and lens - an Olympus E-M1 mark II camera and M.Zuiko 12-200 lens.  These were "borrowed" through the Olympus Test and Wow program and Mike's Camera Sacramento.  You can rent equipment through Mike's, which I do upon occasion (mostly zoom lenses) and when I came across this opportunity to NOT pay for rentals, I jumped at the chance.  Especially as I had an Olympus camera (point and shoot) in the past which was actually a really amazing camera!

Disclaimer is that I had trouble with figuring out the settings on this unfamiliar camera and, me being me, refused to use auto mode.  So pretty much none of the photos I took were exposed correctly (although a few were close, especially towards the end).  However!  That's what post-production is for!

So these mostly came out very "dramatic".  I'm not sure if it was the camera or my horrible settings, but I kind of like them! 

I did really like the image stabilization and the focus this camera provided!  It's also a really light camera and lens combo and relatively compact.  Now on to the photos!

This first photo is a beautiful egret alongside a cormorant and some gulls as we walked along the lakefront towards the bird/nature area. We got there around 3:00pm so just as the day was getting darker.  

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, Egret, Cormorants, ducks

This is in the pond area beside the nature center.  These next couple pictures were almost BLACK.  Hence no color (the edit is actually not black and white, but no color survived) as I wasn't shooting in RAW either.

But I had to show you this cute little Black-crowned Night Heron!

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, Black-crowned Night Heron

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, Black-crowned Night Heron

The wider view of the ponds.  You can see the lake itself in the background. And, again, the only color is green.  But the focus is great!  lol  

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography,

Duck, duck, goose!  Again, spots of color from an almost black photo.  lol!  Just red and green survived apparently. 

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, Muscovy ducks, geese

I believe these next two are a Western Gull and a Greater Scaup.  But they could be a California Gull and a Lesser Scaup.  

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, Greater Scaup, Western Gull

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography,

And this is a really awesome photo of a Greater Scaup!  I think it's a Greater judging by the shape of its head and the white on its sides.  I love how the Olympus made the water look (only slightly aided by DeNoise).  But I do wish there was some damn color!  I actually really like this photo though. 

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, Scaup duck

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, Scaup, duck

Male Bufflehead!  

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, Bufflehead duck

And a lone American White Pelican!  This guy took over the Island in the middle of this lake.  You can just see the bump on his nose indicating that he/she is a breeding adult. Just chillin. 

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, American White Pelican

Either a California Gull, Western Gull, or Herring Gull.  Can't see the legs so but I'm going to guess a non-breeding adult California Gull. 

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, Gull


Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography,

Pelican stretches and something white flies by.  :-)

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, Pelican

Stretch finished, and his head got all tufty. 

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography,

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, Egret

Finally my shots are getting better!  This is a Ring-billed Gull!

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, Ring billed Gull

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography,

Love these weird trees!  

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography,

To your left we have a cute American Coot and on the right a beautiful female Ruddy Duck

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, American Coot, Female Ruddy Duck

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography,

A lovely Mallard couple lit by the Golden Hour.

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, Mallard ducks

Pair of Western Grebes

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, Western Grebe

Common Goldeneye! I actually love how the water looks in these two photos.

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, Common Goldeneye

Grebes, Ruddy Ducks, Mallards, etc.  Birds of a feather, flocking together.  

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography,

And this!  My best picture!!!  Maybe ever!  lol  Thank you Goldeneye!  You are anything but common.  

Lake Merritt, Oakland, California, Bird, birder, birdwatching, nature, photography, nature photography, Common Goldeneye

I have some other photos from Olympus Test and Wow sessions, so we'll see if I do better with the settings on those.  Hope you enjoyed a walk by the lake from Northern California. 


Olympus E-M1 Mark II

M Zuiko 12-200 Lens