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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Summer at Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge!

Summer, but with all the babies swimming around it seemed more like Spring!  I've been to Tule Lake NWR, which is very near the border of California and Oregon and is part of the Klamath Basin National Wildlife complex, twice before.  Both times were during the Spring part of the Pacific Migration and there were a lot of eagles!  But not just eagles, all kinds of birds and mammals and FUN!

April 2017                   January 2019

But this time, there were a lot of the cutest ducklings! 

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, chicks, spring, ducklings

When I was there, I thought these were some type of Merganser ducks.  But I found out they are Eared Grebes which I had not seen before!  Yay!

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes,

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes,

Such a beautiful and elegant mama!

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies

And the babies though!

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies

And oh, SO MANY BUGS!  You can see them in this next photo, but I don't think they were bugging the duckies...just me. 

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies

And there were Clark's Grebes too!  At least I think this is a Clark's.  I wish the picture was a little bit clearer!

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Clark's Grebe

It's always beautiful at Tule Lake.  It seems that no matter what time of day I'm there, the water is always a beautiful blue with shade of purple.  Sometimes it's a perfect glass mirror and sometimes, like on this day, it's a ripply photographer and birdwatcher's paradise. 

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Clark's Grebe

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Clark's Grebe, geese

Yep.  Clark's Grebe.  They have darker parts on their bills and the black is over their eyes.  Western Grebe's bills are yellow and their eyes are in white feathers.  

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Clark's Grebe

And this!!  This is a Tri-colored Blackbird!  They look similar to Red-winged Blackbirds but are much less common.  The Red-winged has a yellow stripe under their red patch but as you can see, this guy's stripe is white!

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Clark's Grebe, Tri-colored Blackbird

He was keeping a close eye (or two) on me!

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Clark's Grebe, Tri-colored Blackbird

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Clark's Grebe, Tri-colored Blackbird

This little guy was singing away!  It was a tricky shot and I didn't get him very clear, but I love that you can see that he was singing!

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Clark's Grebe, Tri-colored Blackbird

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Clark's Grebe, Tri-colored Blackbird, egret

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Clark's Grebe, Tri-colored Blackbird

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Clark's Grebe, Tri-colored Blackbird

A little Bufflehead!  I think I saw another one too, but they were both far off shore. 

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Clark's Grebe, Tri-colored Blackbird, Bufflehead duck

Awww!  A Western Grebe!  Now you can see the difference!  

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Clark's Grebe, Tri-colored Blackbird, Western Grebe

They look like they have a flattop fade!  Cute!

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Clark's Grebe, Western Grebe

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Clark's Grebe, Tri-colored Blackbird

A Golden Eagle!!  Closeup...

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Golden Eagle

...and looking like it wants to eat me!

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Golden Eagle

More babies!

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Golden Eagle

birdwatching, birds, ducks, photography, landscape, travel, California, Eared Grebes, Grebes, ducklings, babies, Egret

So much beauty and peace out there!  I just love it.  And I got some more great shots which I shall put in the next post!  


Nikon D600