About Me

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Proud single mom of one beautiful daughter who shares my love of sports and music. She doesn't share my love of the outdoors which I find weird. I love photography and wish I had a better camera!! Maybe someday...

Friday, November 4, 2022

Therapy Time! Ups. Downs. Lots of Down Down Downs. But HOPE is Still Present.

 Hi Friends.  I am trying to be open and accepting about my mental health struggles without being too much of an oversharer.  

Life...has been really rough.  Back in February, I thought I had overwhelmed myself with this blog and trying to learn to edit videos.  It turned out to be much less specific.  

And it got worse.  And worse.  

Over the next several months, I am willing to admit that my depression and anxiety crossed the line into active suicidal thoughts.  Luckily, I have my daughter and my kitty to anchor me to this world.  At least for now and hopefully for a long time. 


I started this post like 2 weeks ago and - like most everything in my anxiety-ridden and depressed, sad world - I couldn't focus and finish it.

So glad to report that I am still here and seeking help on multiple levels.  

Anxiety and depression can happen to ANYONE!  Please reach out to your friends and family - even if all seems well - to let them know that their presence in your life means something important to you.

And if you are struggling with mental health, PLEASE have a safety plan written down and with you at all times. 

Some suggestions:

Make a list of 1-2 people that you can call if you are in a bad spot and you know they will LISTEN and be there to be strong for you. 

Make a list/playlist of songs that are meaningful to you and soothe you.  This can also include mantras or positive affirmations, hymns, comedy shows, etc.  Anything that brings you joy and comfort and REMINDS you that there are things in this world that are worth staying around for. 

Have tools to get your mind back on a positive track.  This could include portable Labyrinths to trace or poems to read - therapy exercises such as "tapping" or 5-4-3-2-1 coping technique. 

Please love yourself. Always keep fighting. 

